
Leadership and Management Support 

Interim Headteacher 

We know there can be occasions when a school needs to have an interim headteacher. We have confident and competent leaders who can step in to lead and manage a school on a short-term basis. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your requirements.


Self-evaluation and school improvement planning support

School improvement is at the heart of everything we do. Ensuring that your school is on a continual, healthy, improvement journey is key. A school review leading to validation of the current self-evaluation and audit of school improvement plan by an experienced school improvement partner. An initial day consists of a review and strategy meeting with governors.


Enhanced Pathways Secondary and/or Primary

Support with designing, developing and operating Enhanced Pathways in both Primary and Secondary school settings.


Compliance: website, statutory and non-statutory policies and procedures

Websites are the window into our schools for many stakeholders. The website provides an opportunity to share the culture for many stakeholders but is also the way a school demonstrates that they are compliant with current legislation. A website audit is the first step to checking and formulating an action plan.

Ensuring your policies are compliant, in date, and ratified in accordance with your scheme of delegation is an important function of leaders.


Safeguarding audit and report

A one or two-day safeguarding audit depending on your needs: a comprehensive audit report will be provided as a summary along with workable actions.


Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and mentoring support for school leaders by school leaders as well as coaching for staff at all levels including Leadership Teams and teachers. 


Leadership Teams

Curriculum planning and development 

3 sessions 

Using the work of Mary Myatt and John Tomsett this programme will equip leaders with the basic foundations to plan and enhance their curriculum. The sessions will cover the ‘intent, implementation and impact’ structure but enhance it with ideas from Tomsett and Myatt’s curriculum Triumvirate.  

Basic Coaching training 

3 sessions 

Planned by our own experienced coaches these three sessions will help leaders to understand the basics of coaching to improve teaching. During the course of the sessions will examine how to what coaching is, look at how to establish coaching relationships, and finally what a good coaching session involves. Participants will have the opportunity to experience coaching on a small scale and have support to implement it in their own schools. 

Managing accurate conversations 

1 session 

Within our Trust we do not talk about ‘difficult’ conversations instead we have ‘accurate conversations’. This session looks at various different models to support leaders in tackling issues effectively and feeling confident to do so. 

Building effective leadership habits 

1 session 

Being a leader can be challenging and without effective habits in place it can become overwhelming. With this session we will look at ways to manage the workload of a leader to ensure you are not only effective but also healthy.  


Change Management Mentoring

In an ever-changing landscape, leaders in education need to be agile, brave, and often radical. Leadership is change management and here at The MILL Academy Trust we always make decisions in the best interests of the children and have vast experience of implementing strategies successfully. Please get in touch if you need support and guidance in implementing change.


Headteacher Appraisal

We have experienced Headteachers who can fulfill governors’ statutory responsibility to provide an external advisor. We can offer various packages including reviewing previous objectives, setting new objectives, monitoring, and supporting.

  • Setting new Headteacher objectives - £400
  • Reviewing, setting new objectives, and completion of all paperwork - £695



We are in a recruitment and retention crisis and recruiting school leaders is one of our biggest challenges. We can support governors in creating a recruitment pack, advertising, and the planning of, and coordinating the recruitment process. Packages start from £1500. Please do get in touch to discuss your requirements.


Ofsted ready

Personalised support to ensure that your Ofsted visit is well managed and that school leaders are fully supported.


Professional Development 

An Introduction to Rosenshine’s Principles 

5 sessions 

This programme will introduce teachers to Rosenshine’s principles using Tom Sherrington’s strands. Each hour long session will focus on one strand of principles and look at ways it can be implemented in the classroom. The session also allow time to for teacher to collaboratively plan. 

Making Every Lesson Count 

6 sessions 

During these six sessions participants are introduced to the habits of expert teaching and are encouraged to examine their implications for the classroom. Within each hour long session a habit is introduced and techniques are examined to implement it in the classroom. Each session will include time to discuss and plan. Between sessions participants will complete post session challenges to ensure they implement and review their learning. These sessions can also be offered as ‘one offs’ they cover the following: 

  • Challenge 

  • Modelling 

  • Feedback 

  • Explanation 

  • Questioning 

  • Deliberate and retrieval practice 

Deepening thinking and improving participation 

2 sessions 

Using the work of the EEF and Evidence Based Education along with other educational research this pair of sessions looks at how we can challenge our students more effectively. There is the option to complement these sessions with resources for school, department, phase or subject meetings. 

Supporting students with SEND in the Classroom 

1-2 sessions 

This package of sessions can be reduced to one or extended depending on the needs of participants. It starts with a basic refresher of legal requirements and the basics around the SEND Code of Practice and can lead to a more comprehensive session looking at ‘quality first teaching’ and assess, plan, do and review cycle. 

Supporting boys in the classroom 

1 session 

This session uses up to date educational and sociological research to examine the reasons for boys underachievement and looks at what the possible solutions there are.  

Developing vocabulary in the classroom 

2 sessions 

This pair of sessions uses both the EEF recommendations and the English Mastery approach to help staff to begin a journey of direct vocabulary instruction. This will involve looking at ways to directly teach vocabulary like the Frayer Model and suggestions from the work of educational writers like David Didau. 

High expectations of literacy in the classroom 

1 session 

Using the ‘Write Stuff’ model and other examples we look at how teachers can help students to extend their writing and develop more sophisticated sentence structures. This session can be combined with our vocabulary sessions to create an literacy focused sequence.  


Quality of Education  

  • Inclusion support - daily rate £495

SEND review - 1-2 days 

SENCo support 

SENCo capacity  

  • Supporting and challenging colleagues to be the best that they can be

Quality of teaching support including support plan writing and how to use the  ‘Waves of Support’ model.

  • Beginning teachers (ITT or ECT) 

1 session each

For staff at the start of their career we can offer a range of sessions covering the following topics to complement the DfE’s ‘Golden Thread’ within the  CCF and ECF. Topics include: 

  • Lesson planning 

  • Assessment and feedback 

  • Warm Strict Behaviour management 

  • Working with students with EAL 

  • Working with students with SEND 

  • Pastoral care and the role of a tutor 

Further sessions can be delivered on request and our team includes two ECF facilitators. 


  • Accredited Programmes (OLEVI)

Facilitated by The Trust Professional Development Team with training from OLEVI. These programmes are externally accredited by OLEVI but delivered by our teams. The Professional Development Team have a 14 year history delivering these programmes and are a Designated OLEVI Centre.  


Creative Teacher Programme  

8 days 

You will become a more reflective and creative professional, gaining a deeper understanding of high impact pedagogy that ensures significant improvement in the experience and the outcomes of pupils. 

Outstanding Teacher Programme 

8 days 

You will gain a deeper understanding of the latest innovative pedagogy and develop the knowledge, skills, and behaviours to make a significant impact on your pupils and inspire others to improve their practice and approach within a coaching culture 

Outstanding Teaching Assistant Programme 

6 days 

Outstanding teaching assistants are deeply reflective, confident, and creative through gaining a  deeper understanding of high quality classroom pedagogy. They will develop the attributes to make  a significant impact on the  outcomes of, and relationships  with, both pupils and colleagues 

Power of Coaching 

3.5 days 

You will gain the knowledge and strategies that credible coaches use to empower thinking and inspire change. You will also learn the theory, skills, and processes to coach informally, formally and  

in a structured way. 

Outstanding Leadership in Education  

6 twilight sessions 

By engaging with evidenced informed leadership pedagogy, you will discover how to lead and manage individuals, teams, and projects more effectively for  greater impact. 

Senior Outstanding Leadership in Education 

6 twilight sessions 

The programme will provide greater clarity, grow confidence, and develop competence of senior leaders, ensuring they know how to shape a compelling vision; balance challenge and support; and successfully overcome complex barriers to achieve significant and sustainable change. 


Behaviour and attitudes  

  • Trust Partner Schools with When The Adults Change – change management and relational behaviour management
  • Attendance audit and support 


Personal Development 

  • Pastoral structures to develop a sense of belonging.



  • How to create and an outstanding Early Years. – A visit to our EYFS provision, and audit of their provision and help to action plan.







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